The type T.noreturn
is an “impossible” type: zero values in the language have
this type. This type has a number of key use cases.
Declaring that a method always raises
can declare that a method never returns (for example, because it
unconditionally raises).
sig {returns(T.noreturn)}
def raise_always
raise RuntimeError
sig {returns(T.noreturn)}
def exit_program
In fact, neither raise
nor exit
are keywords in Ruby but are in fact methods
(defined on the Kernel
module in the standard library). Sorbet uses an
RBI file to declare that
and exit
never returns,
among others.
Detecting unreachable code
powers Sorbet’s unreachable (dead) code analysis, because it is
impossible to have a value of type T.noreturn
. For example:
sig {params(x: T.nilable(Integer)).void}
def example(x)
if x.nil?
raise ""
puts(x) # error: This code is unreachable
The call to puts(x)
happens after the call to raise
. Since Sorbet knows that
raise ""
evaluates to T.noreturn
, it knows that the call to puts(x)
never run. (The error message makes no mention of T.noreturn
explicitly, but
this is in fact what powers the underlying analysis.)
Note that it can be useful to assert that a given branch of control flow
must be unreachable. For these cases, Sorbet provides
, which
also handles exhaustiveness checking (a special case of asserting that a branch
of code is unreachable).
Writing infinite loops
Another way a method can never return is if it infinitely loops, either by using
loop {...}
or by using a while
loop with an unconditionally true
condition, neither of which ever break
out of the loop:
sig {returns(T.noreturn)}
def loop_forever
loop do
# ...
sig {returns(T.noreturn)}
def while_forever
while true
# ...
Infinite loops like this occur frequently in long-lived processes that are designed to respond to user input indefinitely.
Having type system support for this may not seem immediately useful at first, but ties into the previous section: Sorbet can detect code written after an infinite loop, and flag that the code is unreachable.
Detecting impossible-to-call methods
Because of intersection types, it is possible to create types for which there cannot be any values. If there are no values of a given type, and that type is used for an argument of a method, Sorbet flags the usage as dead code:
class A; end
class B; end
sig {params(x: T.all(A, B)).void}
def example(x)
puts(x) # error: This code is unreachable
As discussed in
Understanding how intersection types collapse,
T.all(A, B)
collapses to T.noreturn
because the classes A
and B
completely unrelated, and it therefore impossible for a value to simultaneously
be an instance of A
and B
In these examples, Sorbet has caught an example of a method which is not possible to call.
and subtyping
is a subtype of all other types. This can be useful in certain
situations. For example, the type of the empty array is most accurately typed as
. Because T.noreturn
is a subtype of all other types,
this means that []
has type T::Array[Integer]
and T::Array[String]
T::Array[T.any(Integer, String)]
, etc.
This also allows Sorbet to detect when, for example, there’s an incorrect attempt to access the first element of a known-empty list:
xs = T::Array[T.noreturn].new
x = xs.fetch(0)
puts(x) # error: This code is unreachable
and T.untyped
Despite what we’ve claimed throughout this page, technically it is possible
to have a value of type T.noreturn
by way of T.untyped
sig {returns(T.noreturn)}
def always_raises
T.unsafe("Just kidding, it actually does return")
This is an unavoidable downside of Sorbet’s use of T.untyped
implement a gradual type system.
This is a major reason why Sorbet’s runtime type checking is valuable: in order for Sorbet’s static dead code analysis to be accurate, Sorbet relies on the fact that static violations of the declared types will be caught at runtime by checking method signatures and type assertions.
Disabling runtime checks will not change anything about what Sorbet infers
statically–in particular, Sorbet will still believe it is impossible to have a
value of type T.noreturn
and will still report the same unreachable code
errors it normally would.