RBS Comments Support
Signature comments
This feature is experimental and might be changed or removed without notice. To enable it pass the
option to Sorbet or add it to yoursorbet/config
Sorbet has experimental support for comment-only type syntax, powered by RBS annotations.
The syntax looks like this:
#: (Integer) -> String
def foo(x)
T.reveal_type(x) # Revealed type: `Integer`
str = foo(42)
T.reveal_type(str) # Revealed type: `String`
This feature is powered by translating RBS comments to equivalent sig
For example, the previous example is similar to having written a sig
sig { params(x: Integer).returns(String) }
def foo(x)
Support for this feature is experimental, and we actively discourage depending on it for anything other than to offer feedback to the Sorbet developers.
There are numerous shortcomings of the comment-based syntax versus sig
By contrast, the near-sole upside is that the syntax is terser.
The comment-based syntax is second class
The comment-based syntax uses RBS syntax. RBS is an alternative annotation syntax for Ruby. The headline features of RBS:
- It’s the type annotation syntax blessed by the Ruby core team, and Matz in particular (the lead of the Ruby project).
- RBS supports certain enticing features, like method overloading and duck types.
- The syntax is terse.
- The Ruby distribution bundles a gem for parsing RBS annotations.
However, there are a number of problems which mean that RBS syntax has a second-class position in Sorbet:
RBS syntax does not match the semantics of Sorbet
Sorbet’s type annotation syntax evolved differently from the evolution of RBS syntax. Unfortunately, this difference is not syntax-deep: it affects the semantics of the types too.
Sure, there are similarities: both syntaxes offer a way to express union types, for example. But there are also semantic differences, and RBS syntax reflects these differences. Things which are possible to express in RBS syntax have no analogue in Sorbet and vice versa. Some examples:
- RBS supports duck typing via interfaces (different from Sorbet’s interfaces), but Sorbet does not support duck typing, by design.
- Sorbet treats Ruby’s
as a generic class, allowing sophisticated class-level metaprogramming (abstracting over a class’s attached class). In turn, all class singleton classes are generic (T.class_of(...)[...]
). RBS does not have syntax to represent this. - By extension, Sorbet allows singleton classes to declare their own generic type parameters (with type_template). This also cannot be translated from RBS for the same limitation with RBS’s singleton class type annotation.
- RBS supports literal value types. Sorbet does not.
Because of these differences, it’s reasonable to assume that a codebase wishing
to take full advantage of Sorbet’s unique features will eventually need to have
annotations that use sig
syntax. The moment a method’s annotation needs to use
Sorbet-only syntax, the entire annotation needs to get rewritten—it’s not
possible to embed Sorbet-only syntax within the context of an RBS signature.
While it is possible for RBS comment signatures to coexist with Sorbet sig
signatures, needing to flip between them adds development friction.
Sorbet has minimal influence over the evolution of RBS syntax
Sorbet continues to evolve its type syntax. For example, T.anything
, and has_attached_class!
are additions to Sorbet which arrived 6
years after Sorbet’s inception—Sorbet development is anything but stale!
Sorbet can adapt more quickly to the needs of Sorbet users by building on its own syntax. Historically, it has been difficult to advocate to adding RBS features that benefit Sorbet specifically.
Our belief is that syntax matters less than semantics; that “what’s possible to express in the type system” matters more than “how to express it.” Time spent bikeshedding syntax detracts from meaningful improvements to the type system.
IDE integration is more difficult
Sorbet’s type syntax doubles as Ruby syntax. Setting aside other benefits of reusing Ruby syntax for type annotations (e.g., runtime checking, no need to transpile, seamless integration with linters, etc.), Sorbet’s syntax integrates easily with existing editors.
There are a lot of features that come for free by reusing Ruby syntax:
Syntax highlighting
There are no plans to offer highlighting for RBS comment-based type annotations. They will be monochromatic, highlighted like comments (third-party extensions may offer such functionality).
Syntax error tolerance and recovery
The RBS comment parser does not recover from syntax errors. If there’s a syntax error in an RBS comment, Sorbet will ignore the entire
until the error is fixed.Autocompletion
Without error tolerance, autocompletion support is unreliable.
In fairness, these are technical, implementation considerations, and thus could hope to improve one day. But they remain problems today.
Performance is worse
The chosen implementation for RBS annotations in comments is:
- Scan and parse the file, like normal.
- Using the parsed file contents, re-scan the file, looking for comments, because Sorbet does not feed parsed comments throughout its pipeline.
- Parse the RBS comments, using a third-party RBS parser, which manages memory allocations using it’s own internal data structures.
- Translate the parsed RBS types to equivalent Ruby ASTs, and splice those ASTs into the parse result.
- Allow Sorbet to continue, where signatures and type annotations will be analyzed later in the pipeline.
│ scan+parse │
│ ▼
│ ┌──────────────┐
│ │ scan again │
│ └──────┬───────┘
│ ▼
│ ┌─────────────┐
│ │ parse RBS │
│ └──────┬──────┘
│ ▼
│ ┌─────────────┐
│ │ translate │
│ └─────────────┘
│ ingest types │
This implementation is simple, making it easy to verify correctness. The RBS
parser can be developed as a library and tested independently. As long as the
translation produces Sorbet ASTs equivalent to sig
annotations that a user
would have written, ingesting the types will work correctly.
But steps 2 and 4 are pure overhead (step 3 is a wash). Not only does this implementation scan every file which might use RBS comments twice, but it does not parse straight into Sorbet’s internal type representation.
In large codebases, this adds nontrivial overhead, and is a blocker in the way of being able to advocate for using this syntax more widely.
Runtime checking is a feature
Note that runtime checking of RBS signatures is not implemented, so type safety is reduced.
Sorbet’s signatures are not just static type annotations: they are also checked at runtime. Runtime-checked signatures are a key reason why Sorbet type annotations are so accurate: authors can’t “lie” when writing type annotations.
For more information on why runtime checking is valuable, see here:
→ Runtime type checking is great
In fact, runtime checking for signatures is actually load bearing: simply disabling runtime checking can make the code change behavior when run.
The Sorbet docs will continue using Sorbet syntax
There are no plans to rewrite the Sorbet website to present RBS alternatives alongside the existing Sorbet syntax. In the mean time, users will need to mentally translate from Sorbet syntax to RBS syntax on their own, including understanding the cases where there is no suitable RBS replacement.
Quick reference
Most RBS features can be used and will be translated to equivalent Sorbet syntax during type checking:
RBS Feature | RBS syntax | Sorbet syntax |
Class instance type | Foo | Foo |
Class singleton type | singleton(Foo) | T.class_of(Foo) |
Union type | Foo | Bar | T.any(Foo, Bar) |
Intersection type | Foo & Bar | T.all(Foo, Bar) |
Optional type | Foo? | T.nilable(Foo) |
Untyped type | untyped | T.untyped |
Boolean type | bool | T::Boolean |
Nil type | nil | NilClass |
Top type | top | T.anything |
Bottom type | bot | T.noreturn |
Void type | void | void |
Generic type | Foo[Bar] | Foo[Bar] |
Tuple type | [Foo, Bar] | [Foo, Bar] |
Shape type | { a: Foo, b: Bar } | { a: Foo, b: Bar } |
Proc type | ^(Foo) -> Bar | T.proc.params(arg: Foo).returns(Bar) |
Attribute accessor types
Attribute accessors can be annotated with RBS types:
#: String
attr_reader :foo
#: Integer
attr_writer :bar
#: String
attr_accessor :baz
While RBS does not support the same modifiers as Sorbet, it is possible to
specify them using @
annotation comments.
The following signatures are equivalent:
# @abstract
#: (Integer) -> void
def foo1(x); end
sig { abstract.params(x: Integer).void }
def foo2(x); end
# @override
#: (Integer) -> void
def bar1(x); end
sig { override.params(x: Integer).void }
def bar2(x); end
# @override(allow_incompatible: true)
#: (Integer) -> void
def baz1(x); end
sig { override(allow_incompatible: true).params(x: Integer).void }
def baz2(x); end
# @final
#: (Integer) -> void
def qux1(x); end
sig(:final) { params(x: Integer).void }
def qux2(x); end
Note: these annotations like @abstract
use normal comments, like # @abstract
(not the special #:
comment). This makes it possible to reuse any existing
YARD or RDoc annotations.
Special behaviors
The #:
comment must come immediately before the following method
definition. If there is a blank line between the comment and method definition,
the comment will be ignored.
Generic types like Array
or Hash
are translated to their T::
Sorbet types
is translated toT::Array[Integer]
is translated toT::Class[Integer]
is translated toT::Enumerable[Integer]
is translated toT::Enumerator[Integer]
is translated toT::Enumerator::Lazy[Integer]
is translated toT::Enumerator::Chain[Integer]
Hash[String, Integer]
is translated toT::Hash[String, Integer]
is translated toT::Range[Integer]
is translated toT::Set[Integer]
Note that non-generic types are not translated, so Array
without a type
argument stays Array
Unsupported features
Class types
The class
type in RBS is context sensitive (depends on the class where it is
used) and Sorbet does not support this feature yet. Instead, use the equivalent
Sorbet syntax:
class Foo
sig { returns(T.attached_class) }
def self.foo; end
Interface types
Interface types are not supported, use the equivalent Sorbet syntax instead:
module Foo
extend T::Helpers
#: (Foo) -> void
def takes_foo(x); end
Alias types
Alias types are not supported, use the equivalent Sorbet syntax instead:
Bool = T.type_alias { T::Boolean }
sig { params(x: Bool).void }
def foo(x); end
Literal types
Sorbet does not support RBS’s concept of "literal types". The next best thing is to use the literal’s underlying type instead:
You can also consider using T::Enum
Type assertions comments
This feature is experimental and might be changed or removed without notice. To enable it pass the
option to Sorbet or add it to yoursorbet/config
assertions can be expressed using RBS comments:
x = 42 #: Integer
@x = 42 #: Integer
X = 42 #: Integer
This is equivalent to:
x = T.let(42, Integer)
@x = T.let(42, Integer)
X = T.let(42, Integer)
The comment must be placed at the end of the assignement. Either on the same line if the assignment is on a single line, or on the last line if the assignment spans multiple lines:
x = [
1, 2, 3
] #: Array[Integer]
The only exception is for HEREDOCs, where the comment may be placed on the first line of the HEREDOC:
X = <<~MSG #: String
Because Ruby does not have something akin to C-style /* ... */
comments, the
comment-based syntax only support trailing comments, meaning only for variable
At time of writing, there is no support for other inline type assertions (e.g.,
no T.cast
nor T.must